Save Me – An Excerpt from THE PROPHECY

Madhuri Writes Things

The Code of Ten.Three Covers Together

I’m about to run a sale on the books in The Sanctum Trilogy so thought maybe it’s a good time to share another chapter from one of the books. I intended to share something from The Boy so I opened that manuscript and happened to land on a Jools chapter. Those of you who know me also know Jools is hardly my favorite character; in fact throughout most of the time I spent writing The Sanctum, I rather detested her.

Until that chapter.

If you’ve read Book III: The Prophecy, you know which chapter I’m talking about. I like to call it “Bringing the Death” and no lie, I fell in love with Jools as I wrote that part of her story. I don’t know why I had to do that to her to succumb to her charms, but I did.

I admit it was brutal and ugly, but it…

View original post 4,880 more words

Season Of The Witch Blog Tour Links Roundup

Links roundup from the book tour for Season Of The Witch (Shades Below, #1.5)



Another one down!

Season Of The Witch’s blog tour wound down earlier this week, and it was every bit as fabulous and fun as the tour for A World Apart.  For posterity: I once again set up the tour through Roxanne Rhoads and Bewitching Blog Tours.  I cannot recommend her highly enough!

In case you missed some (or all) of the fun, here’s a quick roundup of all the links from the tour:


November 5
S.K. Gregory
“A well written story with some great characters. I love reading about witches and this book doesn’t disappoint…”

November 6
Paranormal Romance And Authors That Rock
“The writing style was very neat and very well written… Great! Sparks fly!”

November 9
Illuminite Caliginosus
“…An intelligent, almost lyrical story…one of the more enjoyable and engaging books I’ve read this year.”

Guest Posts

October 14
Mythical Books
“Intermediary Stories”

October 20
Roxanne’s Realm

View original post 134 more words

Why I Write What I Write, #18: Amy Sommer #WriteBitches

It’s good to have friends.

Amy found out about this series from her friend Anne Marvin, who gave us our very first post for Why I Write What I Write.  I’m glad too, because she’s done a pretty bitching job here. Thanks for contributing, Amy! The mic is yours…

♥ ♥ ♥


I write because it is one of the few things I do well.  I’ve written for indifferent and crazy bosses – sometimes simultaneously, often consecutively. I’ve written anonymously for friends for whom a blank computer screen elicits an almost phobic response.  I’ve written for myself when I’m all yelled out but still filled with rage and fear – two emotions that for me always show up together.  I write so that my truth can be heard and maybe lift up another’s perspective on life. I write for the possibility that if the literary stars align and I’m ‘on my game’, that maybe, just maybe, I can improve a tiny sliver of our messed up world. I write because I am a writer.

“Should I get a Twitter account and follow you?” asked my supportive husband.

“No. Thank you, though. I am more flattered when strangers follow me or comment on a blog entry.  Seems like cheating when I know the people.” So, I guess I write for strangers.

But I also write for myself. I write because I have to. Because a day without sufficient time with words and my laptop doesn’t feel like a fully-lived day. Even if my ‘screen time’ is filled with just that – staring at a blank screen – it grounds me in purpose and makes me feel alive.

I write when I am all screamed out – after the volcano of my emotion has erupted on my family and they still don’t heed my wisdom. I retreat to my screen to avoid their scowling faces, which serve as a mirror of my failure.  I write because I cannot speak or shout in a way my family can hear me.

Sometimes I whisper onto the page – to gain attention amidst the sea of screaming, bitching malcontents – both within my head and on the airwaves — in the hope that even if I cannot speak so that people can hear, maybe if I whisper my point onto the page, I will be part of the greater conversation.

I write to validate my existence. When I’m with my words, I am an independent, creative spirit. I am not a mother, a daughter, sister or spouse – I am doing something just for me and as me. I write because that is what Amy does.

♥ ♥ ♥


About Amy Sommer

writer, mother and worrier.

Find her here:


Twitter: @amysommer


♥ ♥ ♥

Want In On This?

Are you a writer?  Whether you’re just starting out or an old hat; unpublished, indie published, or traditionally published- we want to hear from you!

To participate in our guest series, simply write us a blog post that answers the question “Why I Write What I Write”. It can be as long or as short as you want- we’re playing it pretty fast and loose.

Please send your posts to, with “Why I Write What I Write” in the subject heading (please include any author links/pics you would like in the post). The posts will be scheduled as they come in, with one post going up each Monday, and we’ll all publicize the hell out of them on FB and Twitter.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Do You Even NaNo?


It’s November ya’ll and over here in the den of sexy (Too corny? Yes? No? Nah.) two of us shall be participating in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. We’ll be banging out 50,000 word story in 30 days (or in my case, trying to).

Laura, the fabulous badass that she is, will be working on The Devil’s Disease, the second book in her Shades Below trilogy which you should totally read if you haven’t already.

I, on the other hand, will be working on something new, half outlined, mostly pantsed. It’s YA dark fantasy, with demons, revenge and romance (duh). Wish me luck. I’m gonna need it.

Madhuri, won’t be participating this year. Mostly because SHE JUST LANDED AN AGENT and is busy editing the sexiness (aaaaaall, the sexiness) that is DUTCH ❤

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this year, or are just hearing about it now come join us HERE and HERE


