I Want


There is nothing more I want than to touch you

I crave it just like you said I would.

I want to run my hands up your thighs and press my palm against that fucking huge bulge and listen to you moan while my lips press to your throat and I taste the salt of your sweat

I want to climb into your lap and grind my wet pussy against you and wrap my fingers in your hair and kiss you so deeply you lose your breath

I want you to touch my face and lips and throat

and kiss me softly as if I’m delicate and I matter and am not just the girl you slammed into the door and fucked like a whore and I want you to whisper in my ear that you have never seen anyone so beautiful and that I




#WorkInProgress – JUMA




I fell in love with a man tonight
without a word spoken or a kiss exchanged

He sat with the weight of the world
on his shoulders
And all I wanted to do
was unburden him

He growled and clawed and hissed
And I moved to the rhythm of those sounds

He needed
but would not dare ask
And I knew this
because I’ve been there before

He stunned with his masculine beauty
which sounds like an impossibility
but is not
And I was drawn to him
like so many before
but knew I was like no other

I fell in love with a man tonight
without a word spoken or a kiss exchanged

He bore into me with dark eyes
so full of anguish and hurt
And I smiled
and tried to ease his pain

He suggested all sorts of wickedness
with his carriage and demeanor
And I wanted to be wrapped in him
even if it meant going against my nature

He attempted to disabuse me of any preconceived notions
And when I told him I had none
he laughed

He needed to be touched and kissed and held
but could stand nothing of the sort
And so I let him touch and kiss and hold me
the only way he knew

I fell in love with a man tonight
without a word spoken or a kiss exchanged

He claimed a black soul and all kinds of evil
but his voice hinted at the opposite
And I imagined him in his youth
full of light and love and wonder

He wrapped his long fingers and perfect hands
around his glass
And despite his warnings
I foolishly imagined them wrapped around me

He cursed me up and down and sideways
while his eyes begged forgiveness
And I knew
I stilled his heart and captured his breath

He filled me
until I could take no more
but wanted so much
And I surrounded him
with my slick heat
and untamed desire

I fell in love with a man tonight
without a word spoken or a kiss exchanged

He smelled of bourbon and death
and his lips were such a tease
of all kinds of danger and mayhem
And I could not resist them
or stay away
no matter his warnings and predictions

He spoke to me of truths
and desires and needs
as if he knew my body without ever knowing me
And my breath hitched
and my lips parted and the heat was unbearable

He grinned but there was no happiness in his eyes
And I wanted to do nothing more than change that

He laughed but there was no happiness in the sound
And I wondered what music he would make if he was light
and I wanted to make him
make that music

I fell in love with a man tonight
without a word spoken or a kiss exchanged

He set me on fire as our bodies slammed into one another
and he swore he would not
but he did
And I exploded
and shuddered
with the simplest of touches

He laughed at my predictability
my commonness
And yet I knew he knew
I was anything but

He tried his best to push me away
And yet he could not leave my side

He begged me to find another
And I laughed at the odds of doing such a thing

He rushed at my body with a burning hunger
And I knew he had never trembled so
or cried out
or yearned

I fell in love with a man tonight
without a word spoken or a kiss exchanged
and can only hope he will not be the death of me.

Because Everyone Needs Bitch Socks

It’s a fact that I’ve argued with many and will defend until…

well until whenever

I love Rihanna

I make no bones about my affection

nor do I apologize for it

I think she is such a badass

and I’ll take her over Beyonce

and Bey’s goody-two shoes act any day

And when I spied RiRi wearing these

bitch socks

the other day


my cold-cold heart got a little tingly


Admit it

you love these

you want these

you need these

because really now

who doesn’t need some


Happy Steak and BJ Day

Did you know Saturday, March 14th, has been crowned Steak and BJ Day, a celebration of two things guys love – steak and blow jobs.

And falling exactly one month after Valentine’s, Steak and BJ Day’s existence suggests to me that it’s assumed that holiday – the pink and red and chocolaty one – is really for women and we love it

but men?

Eh, not so much.


For real – because let me tell you, I fucking hate Valentine’s Day.

Hate it.

Have always hated it.

It sucks

and I kinda think it’s for losers or those lame, sappy couples I would never, ever want to be.


now I’m passing judgment, which I swore I wouldn’t do, but sometimes it slips. Shit happens.

Anyway, back to Steak and BJ Day

I gotta say, I’m down

and it sounds all kinds of awesome.


It’s not sappy and saccharine

or fake

or just goddamned annoying.

It’s straightforward and in your face – pun intended – and I like that.

And for the record, some of us girls really love our steak and blow jobs.

Just saying.

Add a cake and cunnilingus day to the calendar and 2015 is going to be a fucking stellar year.


In Bed With David

I suppose I could justify this post by claiming it’s for #ManCrushMonday or that Write Bitches loves to celebrate all things hot and sexy and what’s sexier than this man in bed? or try and start a debate about who should be cast to play Gideon Cross, David Gandy or someone far less worthy? (I’m not biased, fuck no!) But honestly, all of that conjecture is total bullshit because really, the only reason I’m posting this here is because I find Mr. Gandy to be a stunning specimen of masculine perfection. I am fully aware there is little point to this post except to

whet the appetite



And enjoy this man

in his underwear

and his bed

wearing that grin

Fuck yeah.


Screen Characters Blog Hop

As I am wont to do, I was stalking one of the blogs I follow, that belonging to the lovely Paige Randall, got wind of the Screen Characters Blog Hop, and invited myself to join the party…with Paige’s blessing, of course.

What’s a Screen Characters blog hop? you say.

It’s simple: name your ten favorite TV or Movie characters, then nominate ten friends to do the same.

Dude, I’m in because really, what do I love more than making lists of nonsensical, unimportant shit? Okay, okay, I do kinda like a kiss on that spot on my throat and I will never turn down wall-shaking, earth-moving sex

but close behind is pointless list-making, especially that of the pop culture variety.

So let’s do this shit.

1. Denise Huxtable, I could wax poetic for years and it would not begin to touch on the significance you played in my life. Suffice to say, you made me love my full lips, my out-of-control, curly hair, and my brown skin. And that is some deep shit.

LisaBonet     LisaBonet2   LisaBonet3

2. Thelma and Louise, together, because I cannot have one without the other, and I simply must have them. Their tragic tale of friendship, the difficulties we face as women on a daily basis, and how sometimes shit gets so fucked up and desperate, that going over that cliff with your best girl is the only option, has stuck with me all these years later. I laughed and cried the first time I saw this film in the Castro district of San Francisco, and I still cry every time I watch it. Also, these two, goddamn, they are So. Fucking. Hot.


3. Tami Taylor, how do I love thee, let me count the ways. Your strength and your vulnerability, your hard lines and your soft curves, your spunk and your fire. The way you walk in those cowboy boots, the perfect fall of your hair, your growl and your twang. I love how you fight for yourself and then turn around and kick anyone’s ass who messes with your man. I love your wrinkles and your freckles and that little dance you do. You epitomize the dichotomy of the feminine and the badass, and you do it so fucking well. Seriously woman, you are perfection. Texas forever, bitches.


4. Can we add a boy up in here? Yes,  let’s. Han Solo because I am a Star Wars geek and he is all kinds of awesome – the snark, the snarl, the hair. That and the fact that for years, I thought I was going to grow up to be him. Which is just another way of saying I’ve wanted to be a snarky badass for a long fucking time. Also, can I add that as a grown woman, I quite love the way Han’s holster slings around his hips just so…


5. Gus Fring, you sexy bastard. You took an amazing show and made it even better. The chemistry between you and Walter was electric and seasons 2, 3 and 4 of Breaking Bad are some of the best on television. Your friendly, laid-back exterior hid the vicious meth distributor I loved to hate. No wait, I take that back – I think I simply loved you. Your brand of evil was Machiavellian, perfectly plotted and planned, thorough, sick, and twisted. Watching you and Walt dance around each other every Sunday night brought the joy and mister, your death scene was epic. POLLOS, baby, POLLOS.


6. Satanica Pandemonium, you make me all kinds of nostalgic. I was living in Fort Greene when Dusk Til Dawn came out and at the time, the movie theatre in Fulton Mall was still open, so a bunch of us walked down Dekalb to check it out. I will never forget the utter silence that befell my small group of guys and girls when Satanica walked onto that screen. We were mesmerized by her impossibly sexy hips, perfect breasts, stunning face. Her everything. I don’t recall being so affected by a woman’s entrance onto the screen as I was by Hayek as Satanica. It’s campy and silly and absurd, but it’s supposed to be. And she owns it. Every fucking second of it. And we loved it. Every fucking second of it.


7. Four. I’m a sucker for voices, so the minute he opened his mouth, I was kinda sold. Coupled with his quiet devotion to Tris and this sappy bitch is his forever. Because really, that scene in the movie where Tris goes to stand next to Four on the train, and they entwine their fingers and both breathe sighs of relief, that scene is everything. You know you love it. Also, it doesn’t hurt that Theo James is perfection…just saying.


8. Coach Taylor, because you’re smart enough to marry Tami. Because you know to shut up when Tami gets that look. Because you can shoot that look right back at her, but make it smoldering and hot as shit. And because you said one of my favorite lines ever: “I need a drink. I need a scotch-flavored drink.”


9. Hermione Granger, the little girl in all of us, sitting in class, desperately raising our hands, only to be ignored repeatedly until it becomes painfully clear the teacher has no choice but to call on us. Hermione made it cool to be that girl because really, that girl is all kinds of awesome. I wish I had a Hermione growing up because she is the business. She is the one running shit. She is the one saving folks. She is the one. Plain and simple. Bombarda!


10. The Bride, because when I grow up, I want to be as badass as you. And look as fucking sexy doing it.


That was hella fun. Who’s got next?

Aqueelah Ikram

Two Sassy Chicks

Lori Hendricks






